Divine Connection - Part 7

Scripture Reading - John 10:27 KJV

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are continuing on the ways of God concerning being led by the Holy Spirit of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit. When we are operating within God’s Will it allows us to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. In the first lesson entitled Divine Connections - Part 1 we mentioned a little on what you could do to be led of God. We mentioned that daily fellowship with God is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. In the next lesson Diving Connections - Part 2 it stated that when we (ihlcc) speak of daily fellowship with God we are speaking about two specific things knowing (understanding) The Word of God and following the leadings from The Spirit of God. In Divine Connections – Part 3 we addressed the spiritual gift of God known as “The Witness” inside every person and active in all believers. We are The Children of God so conversations with our Heavenly Father are more common amongst those who are children of God in comparison to those people who are not children of God. We recommended becoming familiar with the Witness of God so that you can know God’s guidance better and you can better understand His Leadings in your life. In Divine Connections - Part 4 we shared our thoughts on conscience because a lot of your decisions comes directly from your conscience. If you aren’t properly following your conscience you are not properly following God’s Voice in your heart. In Lesson 5 we looked at David for an example of being led by the spirit of God both inwardly with God and outwardly with his fellow man. In Lesson 6 we studied Ananias for an example of a New Testament disciple that was led by God to the right place at the right time for the right result to happen. We did notice in Acts 9:10-17 with Ananias that God spoke directly to him. We (ihlcc) thought it would be good in today’s lesson to discuss a little about hearing “The Voice of God”. Many Believers wonder about hearing God’s voice and it is sad to say many believers struggle with hearing God’s Voice. The first truth we want to point out is that you are a child of God and your Heavenly Father delights in speaking with you. Thus, it is God’s Will for Him to talk with you and it is God’s Will for you to not only listen to God but to talk with God on a regular basis. Whether daily fellowship with God or a certain time set aside for prayer each day be sure you are using your voice to communicate with God so He in return can use His Voice to communicate with you. The second truth we wish to share is “The Voice of God” is always in line with The Word of God. This means when God is talking with you it should be (and it will be) consistent with the language and wording used in the Holy Bible. What God is saying today is exactly what He has been saying for centuries. He Loves You and it is His Will to express His never-failing Love in His Children. It is the will of God that all God’s Children experience His Love in a tangible real life way to share with others that all may be saved. The third truth we will share is that “The Voice of God” comes wrapped in God’s Love. We say this because it is not God’s Voice that brings fear, discouragement, lying, personal rejection or anything that is wicked, unkind and evil. Please understand that since we fully believe in an all good all loving God we must also accept the fact that there is a devil leading the kingdom of darkness trying his best to trouble the children of God and destroy all people in general. God’s voice is one with His Word and one with His Love. It is God’s Voice that will give you the minor details in your life that are not mentioned in the Holy Bible. God’s Voice will be more custom to you and your personality because God speaks to you in the same manner (same way, same fashion) you speak to Him. Yes, God knows how to talk so He can speak to a five year old and/or a seventy year old at the same time and both fully understanding what God is saying to them. On a side note it is good for you to know that God doesn’t talk a lot because He expects you (and all Christians) to read, meditate, study and speak His Word already revealed in the Holy Bible. We (ihlcc) have found the more you know about God the less questions you have to ask God. There is no need to ask God to do certain things in this earth if you don’t know if it is His Will or not His Will. Generally speaking if it comes to doing something loving, good and right it is God’s Will but if it is unloving, selfish and glorifies man it is not God’s Will. The thought is go to God in prayer and praise after you have searched the Holy Bible seeking God’s Will to find out God’s Heart first. If you do that consistently and sincerely God will answer you by pointing you to certain scriptures or speak directly to your heart and/or soul what is His Will concerning the specific situation (circumstance) you are wondering (asking) about. Please remember we want God’s Will in Heaven to done here on earth because God is ruling in Heaven and we pray His Will (His Word) would rule here on earth. Yes, dear child of God we are in an intense battle because Satan is the ruler of this world’s system that is full of stealing, killing and destroying that we Christians constantly fight against endeavoring to bring order, honor and unity in line with God’s Word. We said all that to say hearing God’s Voice will be much easier when you know God’s Word found in the Holy Bible simply because knowing God’s Word is knowing God. The Good Lord gave us His Word to express His Will concerning God, mankind, this earth, His servants and His children. The scriptures we read were record personally for us with much time, blood shed and accuracy so we must do our part to receive them with meekness and study them with much gladness. You can feel free to ask God about anything going on in your life and even in the world just be sure you are seeking answers in the Holy Bible first because that is the “Voice of God” speaking directly to you right now and forever in Jesus Name. Amen!